Woodrow Wilson Classical High School
4400 E. 10th St., Long Beach, CA 90804 USA
Woodrow Wilson Classical High School, 4400 E. 10th St., Long Beach 90804, was established in 1925 as the second school in the city, and ultimately opened for classes in 1926. Rolland Sandberg was musical director through syncopated drumming’s formative years at Wilson High School, 1961-1986.
From examining the Woodrow Wilson archives and year books, it seems like the first bonafide syncopated drum section was assembled in 1965 with over 10 drummers for a 90 piece band. In 1966 the numbers in the drum section almost doubled to 18 drummers.
Prior to that in 1964 there were only 6 drummers.
Wilson had the longest running syncopated drumming section by tradition and insistence by the Wilson Bruin band director Rolland Sandberg. We still believe that syncopated drumming was being used to fuel the marching band up until the early 2000’s. The exact year the director (Eric Messerschmidt?) brought rudimental as part of the Wilson field show and parade showcase is a bit blurry since the syncopated drummers were such a part of the Wilson culture, the sound and practicing of the traditional syncopated drums did not disappear overnight.
The Wilson syncopated drumming group is still active for pep rallies and reunions, however they are not part of the larger band.
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